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Tuesday 23 August 2011

Re-ignite Your Dreams

A dream is in a sense an innate confirmation of where we are going. It is an evidence of what we haven’t seen and where we haven’t been. It is a source of strength and encouragement whenever we encounter obstacles. It is what keeps individuals and the society on the straight and narrow path whenever dark clouds gather and the storms strike.

Dreams are tied to faith and as such pursuing your dreams is basically a step of faith. The reality of life is that our dreams will be tested from time to time and there will be numerous occasions where we’ll feel like letting go of our dreams and ambitions. It is common for people to give up on their dreams altogether as a result of fatigue and burn out. The pursuit of our dreams is a pilgrimage and the path is laced with all sorts of discouragement and obstacles. However the greatest hindrance that we are likely to encounter in the pursuit of our dreams is spiritual and psychological fatigue. This tends to be the breaking point for most people and so “times of refreshment” are important at this point.

It is therefore important for us to always take time out from all the hustle and bustle of everyday life to reflect and analyze the path to our dreams. We need to go back to the place where we were really excited about our dreams before the fatigue and burn out overwhelmed us. This is an important moment of reflection and decision making as far as getting back on track is concerned. The path to achieving our goals may not be clear cut and so there might be some detours on our way there. The most important thing though is to fix our eyes on the prize and not lose focus because of the distractions around us if we are really serious about achieving our goals.

Letting go of our God given dreams is a sure way of letting go of God’s purpose for your life which is disobedience. We therefore need to take time out to water and nurture our dreams in order to become all that God made us to be.

So, take time out today and re-ignite your glorious dreams.

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