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Wednesday 13 March 2013



To use that analogy to discuss our topic today, all ladies should know that in a relationship, they are the LOCK and all men should know that they are the KEY. WHY? Because when a man wants to date/marry or have sex with a woman he asks HER and the final consent rests with her. In relationships, what we are looking for is a FIT. 

What we often do not realize is that only a broken/bent key will fit a broken/bent  lock. That means that more often than not if you are broken you will attract a broken partner. YOU ATTRACT WHO YOU ARE NOT WHAT YOU WANT.

What do I mean by being broken? There exists a very vulnerable part of us that we only expose to people who we love. Our past mistakes, our fears, our weaknesses and insecurities, our hopes and dreams….So what happens when we let in someone who does not value us? They come in and they break us. Just like the lock and key to our house, it would take so much work to make that relationship work because we have two broken people who do not realize that it was their brokenness that brought them together. So what are some of the signs of brokenness?



  • A need to control and smother a partner.
  • Fear to invest emotionally
  • Need to compete and always win
  • Chauvinism and Chest thumping- demeaning your partner in an effort to feel stronger and  important.
  • Having a backup plan or dodging commitment ie having other women in mind if this relationship fails. You also run your relationship that gives you the best chance of deniability. 
  • Violence and abuse


  •  Very clingy ie you seem desperate. If a man is interested in you he will pursue you relentlessly. Eg Genesis 29:18, 22-28 :Jacob worked for Rachael for 14 years! If a guy doesn’t call you back and you spend the whole week calling and texting- you are clingy and that is a sign of insecurity.
  • Severe feminism- you think all men are the same….eg, all men lie and cheat. 
  • Severe unfounded jealousy
  •  You think having sex, a baby or an affair with someone means that he loves you. 
  •  Condoning violence and abuse

The good thing is that even broken locks and keys can be repaired. God is the one who designed you in such a unique way, He is the match maker and if you let Him, he will heal you both. Healing is a process and you both must commit to this process because it can sometimes be painful. Help each other to become better people, that is what a relationship is supposed to be.

Men, you are pursuing this wonderful woman and you want to catch her?

FIGHT FOR HER like Jacob did, and repair the key in order to become a good fit.

Ladies, you are trying to choose who to love and settle with? Look for the one who fights for you and protects you and repair the lock so that you can become a good fit.

Conclusion : Isaiah 43:19

By Christine and Washington Mwangi.